- Magento code for url rewrite and flat table indexing product id wise and store wise
- How to index individual /particular product in magento, store wise, for single product or single id,
- Code in magento indexing with sku, product id, flat table indexing with single product
- Magento indexing with sku, product id, flat table indexing with single product
For particular store
Mage::getModel('catalog/ product_flat_indexer')-> updateProduct(array($ productId),$storeId);
For all stores
Mage::getModel('catalog/ product_flat_indexer')-> updateProduct(array($ productId),$storeId);
For URL indexing check or core url rewrite
taken from app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Url.php
Mage::getModel('catalog/url')->refreshProductRewrite($ productId,$storeId);
Run url rewrite first and then for flat
Magento is so confusing to me. Oh God, I better read some blog posts like these first before start playing with the core codes.
Prasant Saxena
Software Development Company