define('FACEBOOK_APP_ID', '***YOUR FACEBOOK APPLICATION ID HERE***'); define('FACEBOOK_SECRET', '***YOUR FACEBOOK SECRET APPS KEY HERE***');function get_facebook_cookie($app_id, $application_secret) {
$args = array();
parse_str(trim($_COOKIE['fbs_' . $app_id], '\\"'), $args);
$payload = '';
foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
if ($key != 'sig') {
$payload .= $key . '=' . $value;
if (md5($payload . $application_secret) != $args['sig']) {
return null;
return $args;
$cookie = get_facebook_cookie(FACEBOOK_APP_ID, FACEBOOK_SECRET);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
<?php if ($cookie) {
//cookie is set, user is logged in
$user = json_decode(file_get_contents(''.$cookie['uid']));
//Display the facebook user ID, name, gender and Facebook URL in the web browser
echo '<br />';
echo 'Your Facebook ID: '.$user->{'id'};
echo '<br />';
echo 'Your name: '.$user->{'name'};
echo '<br />';
echo 'Your gender: '.$user->{'gender'};
echo '<br />';
echo 'Your Facebook URL: '.$user->{'link'};
echo '<br />';
echo '<fb:login-button autologoutlink="true"></fb:login-button>';
//user is not logged in, display the Facebook login button
echo '<h2>Facebook Application Test page</h2>';
echo '<br />';
echo 'This is the most basic Facebook application PHP source code that will grab the user Facebook full name, gender and Facebook URL.';
echo '<br />Then displays those information in the web browser once the user has successfully logged in';
echo '<br /><br />';
echo '<fb:login-button autologoutlink="true"></fb:login-button>';
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script src=""></script>
FB.init({appId: '<?= FACEBOOK_APP_ID ?>', status: true,
cookie: true, xfbml: true});
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.login', function(response) {