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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Extrending helper class in magento or creating magento helper object or over riding magneto helper class or object

In the config file of the class e.g catalog.xml
below example if i want to over right catalog helper class of core top my custom made class

Mymodule_Catalog_Helper_Myclass// for Myclass.php in catalog

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Save single,one,few,array of attributes or single attribute or attributes without the entire whole product or saving a product without sql queries

Save single,one,few,array of attributes or single attribute or attributes without the entire whole product or saving a product without sql queries

->updateAttributes($pidArray, array('name' => 'name of product'), 0);

Thursday, January 12, 2012

magento select multiple coloumn with like attribute from a table using magento query colelction

magento select multiple coloumn with like attribute from a table using magento query colelction

If I want to select a value from 2 or more columns i will use the below code in magento collection

$collection = Mage::getModel('module/module')->getCollection()->addAttributeToSelect('*')->addFieldToFilter(array(0=>'col1',1=>'col2'),array(0=>array('like' => '%'.$cond.'%'),1=>array('like' => '%'.$cond.'%')));

The result
SELECT `main_table`.`*` FROM `table` AS `main_table` WHERE (((col1 like '%cond%') or (col2 like '%cond%')))